


Vie Estudiantine

Espace entreprise


République Tunisienne
Ministère de l’Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche Scientifique
Université de La Manouba
Liens utiles
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  • Spécialités
  • Scolarité & Diplômes
  • Enseignements
  • Activités de recherche
  • Expérience professionnelle
  • Vie associative
  • Autres
Informations générales
Nom & Prénom : Imen BEN YAHIA BOUMAIZA
Email : imen.benyahya@esct.uma.tn
Télécharger Curriculum vitae
  • Marketing Digital
  • Social media marketing
  • Marketing Relationnel
  • Comportement du consommateur


Scolarité & Diplômes
[date début – date fin]
Diplômes obtenus
Lycee Pilote de Sousse 1998
Baccalauréat Mathématique
IHEC Carthage 1999/2002
Maîtrise Marketing
Université Paris Dauphine 2003/2004
DEA Marketing et Stratégies des entreprises
Université Paris Dauphine2005/2009
Doctorat en Sciences de Gestion


- Depuis Décembre 2014   : Maitre de Conférence à l’Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Tunis  
  • Cours enseignés : principes de Gestion, Stratégies et Plan
  • Marketing ; Marketing Direct ; Modélisation conceptuelle ; Social
  • Media Marketing ; Lecture critique des articles.  
- 2014 /2017 :   Université de Qatar
  • Cours enseignés (en anglais et en arabe): Business to Business     
  • Marketing, Comportement du Consommateur; Marketing, Marketing   
  • International)   (Evaluation 98.58%)
- 2009-2014 : Université de Sousse (ISFFS) (Maître Assistante) 
- 2008-2009  : Université Paris X Nanterre. France (ATER)
- 2004 - 2006 : Université Lille 2. France (ATER)


Publications dans des journaux indexés SCOPUS / CNRS/ AERES
Al-Emadi, Fatema and Ben Yahia, Imene (Forthcoming), On the quest of opinion leadership on social media, Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing.
Chokeir Gallal Rania and Ben Yahia, Imene (2020), Moving toward Smart Cities: Insights from the MENA region, International Journal of Web Based Communities.
Chaouali, Walid; Lunardo, Renaud; Ben Yahia, Imene; Cyr, Dianne; Triki, Abdelfattah (2019) Design aesthetics as drivers of value in mobile banking: Does customer happiness matter? International Journal of Bank Marketing
Chaouali, Walid; Ben Yahia, Imene and Lunardo, Renaud; Triki, Abdelfattah (2019) Reconsidering the “what is beautiful is good” effect: When and how design aesthetics affect intentions towards mobile banking applications, International Journal of Bank Marketing, https://doi.org/10.1108/IJBM-12-2018-0337
Ben Yahia, Imene and Eissa, Maha (2019), Critical factors of success and failure when integrating diverse social media platforms by companies, The International Journal of Electronic Marketing and Retailing
Mjahed, Samiha and Ben Yahia, Imene (2018), Explorer les déterminants des comportements proenvironnementaux des agriculteurs tunisiens, Systèmes alimentaires-Food Systems, ed. Garnier. Paris. 
Ben Yahia, Imene and El Emadi, Mohammed (2018), Exploring the determinants of 2022 FIFA World Cup attendance in Qatar . International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing, Vol. 18, Nos. 1/2, 166129.
Ben Yahia, Imene, El Noaimi Nasser and Kerbache, Laoucine (2018), Investigating the drivers for social commerce in social media platforms: Importance of trust, social support and the platform perceived usage. Journal of Retailing and Consumer services, 41, 11-19.
Chaouali, Walid.; Ben Yahia, Imene; Charfeddine, Lanouar and Triki, Abdelfattah (2016), Understanding citizens’ adoption of e-filing in developing countries : An empirical investigation, Revisiting the UTAUT model, Journal of High Technology Management Research.
Chaouali, Walid ; Ben Yahia, Imene and Souiden, Nizar (2016), The Interplay of Counter-Conformity Motivation, Social Influence and Trust in Customers’ Intention to Adopt Internet Banking Services: the Case of an Emerging Country, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Vol 28, 209–218.
Ben Yahia, Imene (2015), To be or not to be visible in company-managed virtual communities, International Journal of Customer Relationship Marketing and Management IJCRMM, 6, 4, 14-27. 
Ben Yahia, Imene and El Ferci, Lilia. (October, 2015), Exploring consumer empowerment in consumption communities based in social media: what behavioral outcomes towards firms, in Politics and Social Activism: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, 884-900, ed. IRMA, USA, 1788 pages. 
Ben Yahia, Imene and Chaabouni, Amel (2014), Contribution of ERP to the Decision Making Process through knowledge management, Journal of Decision Systems, DOI:10.1080/12460125.2014.886498. 
Ben Yahia, Imene (2014), Highlighting benevolence and visibility to harvest good relationships with company managed virtual communities: a netnographic study, International Journal of Customer Relationship Marketing and Management IJCRMM, 5, 2, 52-65. 
Ben Yahia, Imene and Chaabouni, Amel (2014), Effets du sentiment communautaire virtuel sur la fidélité, Management International, published online http://www.managementinternational.ca/catalog/effets-dusentiment-communautaire-virtuel-sur-la-fidelite.html, 1-14. 
Ben Yahia, Imene and Chaabouni, Amel (2013), Application de la théorie de la structuration aux systèmes ERP : importance de la gestion de connaissances, Recherche en Sciences de Gestion-Management, N°96, 91-109. 
Chaabouni, Amel and Ben Yahia Imene (2013), Mise en évidence de l’importance de la spirale de la création de connaissance pour un meilleur usage des systèmes ERP, Recherche en Sciences de GestionManagement, N° 95, p.151-170. 
Ben Yahia, Imene and Guiot, Denis (2010), Effects of the company’s participation in its virtual community on the relationship quality with members, Management et Avenir, 32, 113-131. 
Communications dans des conférences à comités de lecture
Al Emadi F. and Ben Yahia, I. (2018), Investigating the meaningful characteristics of social Media influencers for followers-The case of restaurants’ recommendations, Academy of Marketing, University of Stirling, UK, 2-5 July. 
El Ferci L. and Ben Yahia, I. (2018), Exploring managerial empowerment practices on social media-A qualitative study, Moroccan Marketing Association, ENGC Aghadir, 18-19 Avril.
El Noaimi N.; Ben Yahia I. and Kerbache L. (2017), Efficiency of Instagram Based Businesses in the State of Qatar. The academy of Marketing science Congress. Paper accepted not presented.
Abidi R. and Ben Yahia I. (2015), How does Facebook contribute in managers’ decision making process, URAM, 8-9 May, Tunisia.
Ackermi, R. ; Ben Yahia I. and Triki, A.  (2014), Promoting renewable energy from intention to action: the engagement of civil society in Tunisia, The 24nd IBIMA conference, 6-7 November, Milan Italy, ISBN:978-09860419-3-8.
El Ferci L. and Ben Yahia I. (2014); Exploring consumer empowerment in social media, Academy of Marketing, 5-9 August 2014, paper accepted.
Ben Yahia I.; Ackermi, R. and Triki, A.  (2013), Promotion of renewable energies: the case of Tunisian Civil Society’s Associations, The 22nd IBIMA conference, 13-14 November.
Ben Yahia I. and Chaabouni A. (2013), «How to succeed using ERP for a better decision making », GECSO, Nancy, 5, 6, 7 June.
Ben Yahia I. (2009), Effects of the company’s participation in its virtual community on the relationship quality with members”, actes du colloque 8ème journée sur le e-marketing, Paris la Sorbonne, 18th of September.
 Ben Yahia I. (2009), The sense of virtual community : a moderator between the relationship quality and behavioral intentions, Association Tunisienne du marketing, Tunis.
Ben Yahia I. (2009), Translation of a scale measure of the sens of virtual community, The International Business Information Management Conference (11th IBIMA), Communications of the IBIMA, Vol 10, 5, 2431. January.
Ben Yahia I. (2006), B2C Virtual Communities, Typology and associated benefits : An Exploratory qualitative study”, in E-Business and  telecommunications, eds. Filipe J. and Obaidat M. of ICETE revised selected papers. Portugal, Setubal, ICE-B INSTICC Press, August, p. 235-241.
Ben Yahia I. (2006), Non commercial B2C virtual communities: an exploratory qualitative study for a precision of concepts”, IADIS International Journal, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 129-144; ISSN: 1645 – 7641.
Ben Yahia I. (2006), The influence of the perceived value in B2C virtual communities on the participant’s intentions toward the community and toward the brand. The case of data processing products”, The International Conference of E-Commerce. The doctoral consortium. Spain, Barcelone, December


Expérience professionnelle
- 2009 : Directrice Marketing au sein de AZUR SYSTEMS Tunis (édition,  installation et suivi de Progiciels de gestion ERP).
- 2006-2008 : Responsable de documentation et d’évènementiels PLMA International   Council (Private Label Manufacturer Association) Paris (Organisation de salons (Paris et Amsterdam), conférences et formations sur la marque de distributeurs.
- 2004-2005 : Assistante Marketing à BMS (Bristol Myers Squibb) Paris ayant eu pour missions l’organisation du workshop France-USA et le suivi et l’actualisation du CRM
- 2003 : Assistante Marketing direct à EBG Paris   (Electronic Business Group)                                               


Membre association
  • Membre du comité d’encadrement de la formation continue à HEC Paris au Qatar depuis 2014
  • Membre du Laboratoire de Recherche ARBRE à l’Institut Supérieur de Gestion de Tunis
  • Membre du comité d’évaluation pour le « Journal of Decision Systems » pour le numéro spécial “Knowledge-Based Decision Support Systems (KBDSS)”.  
  • Membre du comité d’évaluation de la 22ème conference IBIMA, 13-14 November 2013.
  • Reviewer pour nombreux journaux tels : Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Internet Research, International of E-Business Research…

